SSB: @2RNGJafZtMHzd76gyvqH6EJiK7kBnXeak5mBWzoO/iU=.ed25519
Tinker, florester and admirer of originary cultures. I believe and live a better world where communities are enpowered and self-governed, people have the time and spirit to tend their human and non-human peers and tools are hacked or built for the buen vivir.
2020/Present Distributed Systems Developer: Organization
that works in
solidarity with marginalized
communities to use technology to defend their rights thru community training, tool building and
local-to-global engagement
Tech: React, React-Native, Electron, Nodejs-mobile, Kappa-core
2019/2020 Developer: P2P data management platform for
tribes with the goal of
building stronger healthier communities, greater use of community resources, and a stronger sense of
identity amongst the people
Tech: VueJS, Cordova, Electron, Nodejs-mobile, Secure Scuttlebutt, GraphQL
2021 Developer for Solar Calculator: A tool to assist communities in figuring out specs for solar energy setups used in autonomous telecommunication infraestrutures
Tech: VueJS
2020 Peer: Representing Coolab, a collective that
brings together people and community telecommunication projects promoting autonomous
infrastructures, through technical training and activation
Tech: Community organizing, sociocracy
2019 Developer for Huiom: Sneaker-net voice social network built with the San peoples of Namibia to be used by their mainly oral tradition, enabling 40 villages to communicate in a P2P manner
Tech: React-Native, Nodejs-mobile, Secure Scuttlebutt
Development of software, testing and deployment of hardware
2018/2020: Pirania: captive-portal for mesh networks
2019: Lime-Updater: mesh network mapper and firmware updater
2018/2020: Lime App: user interface for the Libre Router and LibreMesh
2018 Quest:
port to nodejs-mobile, run on iOS, support native modules
Tech: CycleJS, React-Native, Nodejs-mobile, Secure Scuttlebutt
Developing plugins and testing the overral protocol